Sunday, November 22, 2020

Brewing After a Break

 Last spring I was preparing to brew an American lager for the state fair competition in Tulsa when the pandemic was making itself known. Soon the competition was canceled and I stored the beer ingredients in the freezer. I had been making batches of beer followed by more batches of beer for two years and I needed a break. Once summer was done and the gardening and yard work was behind me until next year I decided to do a little brewing. I had been following traditional recipes all this time so I decided to create my own beer.  I had the ingredients for a classic German pilsner so I used those, but instead of using the traditional noble hops I tossed in Cascade a hop used  in some of the popular west coast ales. I fermented it at ale temperatures and it is now conditioning at room temperature for a couple of weeks. Sometime next week I will take a precursory sip just to see how things are coming along.

Five gallons of homebrew happily fermenting

This batch yielded 45 12 oz. bottles. They've been
conditioning and carbonating for a week. Another 
week should do it. Of course, the longer they condition
the better quality the finished beer.

  Blue Ribbon Biscuits                                           Dorothy won the blue ribbon at the Tulsa State Fair                        ...